Thursday, August 25, 2016

So Obscura

Camera Obscura Questions

1. Were you able to construct a light-proof box?
Yes, we were able to contract a light proof box
2. What effects did you observe as you moved the frame closer to, and farther from, the pinhole?
As the frame moved closer to the pinhole, the image became more blurry.  When the frame moved further from the pinhole, the image became more clear and less magnified.
3.  What were the most significant challenges of this project?
In my opinion, the most difficult part of this project was cutting the box and the wax paper.
4.  What would you do differently?
Find a box with less holes so it doesn't require as much tape to cover the light
5.  Explain why the image changed size on the tracing paper as the frame was moved closer to and farther away from the pinhole.
The image changed due to size and alignment that was caused by the shifting of the translucent paper within the camera obscura.
6.  How well did your team plan and work together?
My team and I worked together very effectively and were able to finish the camera obscura fairly quickly with minimal issues.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

History of Photography

History of Photography

1. A glass plate negative was created to take the place of the daguerreotypes so there was now a master that prints could be made from.
2. George Eastman invented/created the first mass produced camera and also used film to capture the photo (Kodak)
3. Wasn't until the 1930s that color became a feature in photography, however color was more expensive than black and white so they were not used often (Kodachrome)